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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tips to Select the Al Fakher Molasses Tobacco

 Shisha, which is also named hookah, is a traditional Arabic Pipe. This tradition is currently gaining notability in Western Countries, due to the social aspect of hookah smoking, as persons usually come to hookah lounges with their familiar or relatives and friends, enjoy fruit smoke and communicate.
If you decided to buy a water pipe to exchange with your friends during house parties, you need to think regarding buy the right tobacco and charcoals for it, as these two ingredients make a quality hookah smoke, so read the tips below to become an expert in this subject:

Tips for choose the best shisha tobacco

·       You can check online tobacco stores; they always have a good selection of tobacco brands, like Al Fakher, Nakhla and Ahram. But do not forget that you need a special tobacco blend and neither rolling tobacco, nor pipe tobacco can be applied for shisha smoking.

·       If you buy tobacco in a local store, ask the shop assistant to view you a test example of the product you are going to buy. Premium hookah tobacco should be damp, viscous, dark color and has a sweetish odor, as it is soaked in honey and molasses.

·       In addition, ask the store assistant, how they stored shisha or tobacco. Shisha tobacco should be stored in dark and cool place. After you have buy shisha tobacco, select for storing it in the fridge in order to keep it fresh for a long period of time.

·       The smoking for water pipes is available in such a large assortment of flavors that usually select one is a great issue as well. The top-selling hookah tobacco flavors are grape, peach, apple, water melon and mint. In addition you can mix flavors, for example, apple with grapes.

Tips for selecting the charcoals 

·       Though several people consider that charcoals do not play a crucial role in hookah smoking, buying quality charcoals is as vital as buying premium tobacco. Best charcoals heat tobacco evenly delivers a smoother smoke. Read the following tips to buy the good-quality charcoals for less.

·       The good charcoals are made from wood. So, ensure the coals you are purchase are from wood.

·       Turn to silver tab water pipe charcoals, as they offer a long time of burning and do not have any smells. In addition, these coals are simple to light up, than the usual ones.

·       If you do not want to spend time on heating the coals, you can select for self-lighting coals. Identify the charcoals made in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Purchase these coals will grant you a smooth and care-free process of hookah tobacco.

·       In case you do not want to spend more money on charcoals, you can order them online from Chinese tobacco stores. Some stores provide cheap charcoals of pleasant quality. They always have a great selection of tobacco brands such as al fakher molasses tobacco and Nakhla.

1 comment:

  1. Hello FRndz....
    Awesom Blog....
    Thanks for sharing if I need I will definetely try it.
